Montag, 27. November 2017

LHI Pro Racing F3 Flight Controller Board Cleaflight 6DOF Standard for Mini FPV Racing QAV250 ZMR250 QAV280 QAV180 QAV210 Mini Quadcopter Better than Naze Flip32 RV5 6DOF

Verwunderlich LHI Pro Racing F3 Flight Controller Board Cleaflight 6DOF Standard for Mini FPV Racing QAV250 ZMR250 QAV280 QAV180 QAV210 Mini Quadcopter Better than Naze Flip32 RV5 6DOF das kannst du jetzt haben. Dieses produkt hat gute qualität und natürlich mit erschwinglichen preis können sie es haben.

Item Name: Racing F3 Flight Control NAZE32 Upgrade Version for Milticopter Acro Version
Version: Acro 6DOF
*36x36mm board, 30.5 mm mounting holes.
High-capacity Flash (Acro 6DOF)
MPU6050 Accelerometers and Gyroscopes
MicroUSB socket.
4 x 4 pin JST-SH Socket (I2C, SWD, 2xuart)
2 x 8 pin JST-SH Socket (PPM, PWM, SERIAL RX, GPIO, ADC, 3V, 5V, GND)
8 x 3 pin though-holes for pin headers for ESC / Servo connections.
2 x 4 pin though-holes for the 2x serial ports .
2 x 2 pin though-holes for battery voltage and buzzer.

Flight Performance:
The SPR F3 builds on tried and tested software, processor and sensor technology to make your aircraft fly like it's on rails.

No-Compromise I/O:
Use all the features all the time; e.g. Connect your OSD + SmartPort + SBus + GPS + LED Strip + Battery Monitoring + Sonar + 8 motors - all at the same time!

The F3 runs Cleanflight which can be configured to suit your needs using a cross-platform GUI (Windows/OSX/Linux).

Tiny and lightweight:
The RacingF3 has a standard 36x36mm form-factor with 30.5mm mounting holes and weighs just 6 grams.

OneShot ESC:
Full support for OneShot ESCs for easy PID tuning and a sharper response.

Broad RC receiver Support:
Supports SBus, SumH, SumD, Spektrum1024/2048, XBus, PPM, PWM receivers. No external inverters required (built-in).

Programmable LED:
Dedicated output for programmable LEDs - great for orientation, racing and night flying.

Packaged Included:
1 x Upgrade NAZE32 Racing F3 Flight Control for Multicopter
2 x 8p Wire Rod
2 x 4p Extension Path
5 x Pins set

LHI Pro Racing F3 Flight Controller Board Cleaflight 6DOF Standard for Mini FPV Racing QAV250 ZMR250 QAV280 QAV180 QAV210 Mini Quadcopter Better than Naze Flip32 RV5 6DOF

  • If you in use process have any problems, please contact with us, we will be responsible for it, and provide you with the best after-sales service!
  • Supports OneShot ESC and more than 8 RC channels.Supports more flight controllers, including CC3D, CJMCU and Sparky.
  • Additional PID controllers that uses floating point arithmetic operations. (now has 3 built-in PID Controllers)
  • Many more features such as RGB LED strip support, Autotune, In-flight PID tuning with your radio, blackbox flight data logging etc.
  • Better coding practices and introducing tests, easier to maintain and for future development. (Dominic has software development background)


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