Großartig Transformers Snarl Saurier - Transformers Ära des Untergangs das kannst du jetzt haben. Dieses produkt hat gute qualität und natürlich mit erschwinglichen preis können sie es haben.
Beschreibung:Snarl lives up to his name. If you see him smile, it usually means he's about to turn you into a pile of scrap metal. The thrill of battle is the only thing that makes him happy. Convert, arm and attack with all the Transformers action you can handle! This Snarl figure is a high-powered fighter whether he's in robot mode or dino mode. Weapon in hand, he'll be a match for any enemy in robot mode. And when he converts to hardcore stegosaurus mode, no enemy can hope to handle his charges! Keep converting him back and forth so he can handle whatever his foes dish out!
Funktionen:- Snarl lives up to his name. If you see him smile, it usually means he's about to turn you into a pile of scrap metal. The thrill of battle is the only thing that makes him happy. Convert, arm and attack with all the Transformers action you can handle! This Snarl figure is a high-powered fighter whether he's in robot mode or dino mode. Weapon in hand, he'll be a match for any enemy in robot mode. And when he converts to hardcore stegosaurus mode, no enemy can hope to handle his charges! Keep
- Stegosaurus mode
- Changes in 15 steps!