Freitag, 28. April 2017

Italeri 3905 1:24 Mercedes Benz Actros MP4 Gigaspace, Fahrzeug

Verwunderlich Italeri 3905 1:24 Mercedes Benz Actros MP4 Gigaspace, Fahrzeug das kannst du jetzt haben. Dieses produkt hat gute qualität und natürlich mit erschwinglichen preis können sie es haben.

Mercedes Benz Actros MP4 Gigaspace 1/24 Scale Kit
Actros is the commercial name for Mercedes-Benz heavy truck range. The Actros range has been introduced in 1995 and quickly achieved a significant commercial success as a suitable solution to perform long-distance haulage and heavy-duties haulage. The New Actros, introduced on the market in 2012, is the most update and innovative expression of the heavy truck Mercedes family. It is characterised by an advanced and modern design and the adoption of new Euro 5 and Euro 6 engines. The vehicle configuration has been designed and developed to guarantee the highest operational efficiency minimising the running costs. Among the several configurations available it is particularly interesting the GigaSpace, long-haul high-roof cabin version, design to offer the highest standard of comfort on board for two drivers. Thank to its features, Actros Gigaspace can be considered one the best solution for international long-distance transport activities.

Italeri 3905 1:24 Mercedes Benz Actros MP4 Gigaspace, Fahrzeug

  • Maßstab 1:24
  • Länge von ca. 269 mm
  • Aufkleber für 2 Versionen
  • neu Reifen


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