Sonntag, 30. Oktober 2016

LHI 2CW 2CCW MT2204Ⅱ 2300KV Brushless Motor For FPV QAV250 RC Racing Quadcopter Multicopter

Erstaunlich LHI 2CW 2CCW MT2204Ⅱ 2300KV Brushless Motor For FPV QAV250 RC Racing Quadcopter Multicopter das kannst du jetzt haben. Dieses produkt hat gute qualität und natürlich mit erschwinglichen preis können sie es haben.

Motor KV 2300KV RPM/V
Motor Resistance (RM) 0.0951 Ω
Idle Current (Io/10V) 0.6A/10V Max Continuous Current(A)180S 16A
Max Continuous Power(W)180S 190W
Weight ≈26g/0.92oz Lipo Cell 2S-3S
Motor Diameter 27.7mm/1.09in
Motor Body Length 29mm/1.14in
Configu-ration 12N14P
Overall Shaft Length 30.6mm/1.2in
Bolt holes spacing 16mm/0.63in/19mm/0.75in
Bolt thread M3×5

Package include:
ML2204S 2300KV Motor CW*2
ML2204S 2300KV Motor CCW*2

LHI 2CW 2CCW MT2204Ⅱ 2300KV Brushless Motor For FPV QAV250 RC Racing Quadcopter Multicopter

  • LHI 2CW 2CCW MT2204Ⅱ 2300KV Brushless Motor For FPV QAV250 RC Racing Quadcopter Multicopter
  • Support 3S or 4S LiPo battery and 5030 or 6030 propellers recommended
  • CW and CCW propeller adapters,preventing the propeller from getting rid off
  • KV 2300kv and sugguested ESC12A


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