Verwunderlich Spaß am aktivem lernen mit der „Triangle“ zum erlernen der Motorik für Kinder ab 9 Monate und älter! das kannst du jetzt haben. Dieses produkt hat gute qualität und natürlich mit erschwinglichen preis können sie es haben.
This amazingly well made and reasonably priced brightly coloured, multi functional, fabulous activity toy will keep your little ones amazed and occupied for hours of endless play while they learn hand to eye co-ordination with the variety of different play scenario?s.Includes a Mirror which spins round at the slightest touch and has a bright coloured patterned backing, revolving wheel and round shapes which spin round separately and also revolves on its own axis, also included is a cylindrical two tone shape and two multi coloured shapes which also turn on there own or spin round together, on the very top of this triangle are two separate curved bars which have moveable shapes that baby can push forward and backward. At each side of this triangle are see through cylinders containing coloured beads which make a rattling noise when the triangle is lifted. This item is also wipe clean for those sticky little fingers. Age from 9mths Upwards.

- Aktives lernen mit viel Spaß für Ihre Kleinen
- Multi-Aktivitätsspielzeug entwickelt die motorischen Fähigkeiten Ihres Kindes
- ca. Höhe 175mm x Breite 190mm
- Hervorragende Präsentation
- Farbe kann von der Abbildung abweichen